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“Rules And Regulations“
Elevatelife products Pvt. Ltd. Is the company means “ Direct Selling Entity “ hear in after Elevatelife ( company ) which sells or offers to sell goods or services though a “ Direct Seller “.
“ Direct Seller “ Means the “ Distributor” as a person appointed or authorized directly or indirectly by the company through a legally enforceable written contract to undertake direct selling business on principal to principal basis to purchase product from Elevatelife in order to sell, distribute & market the same & also register preferred customer.
For Appointment Authorization for distributor. The Applicant shall fill the application form Online & upload scanned self-attested kyc document by signing applicant with accepting the proposed T & C whatever means of technology. After creating the agreement. He/ She shall request for putting signature of the authorised person of the company. The executed & signed agreement shall be display & it shall be treated as legal agreement as per the provision of the Indian contract Act 1872 & other applicant law. Distributor identification number is issued by the company to the direct seller as token of acceptance of his /her application for direct selling of the goods/products/service of the company. Login & password code allotted to each direct seller to allow them to log on the website of the company. At www.elevateglobalbusiness.com where distributor get informed & study through company, product, service, business plan, term & conditions, grievance policy, business & commission, update, legal terms & joining process etc. That the distributor shall submitted 1. Filled application form. 2. Self-attested photocopy kyc. 3. Bank details (account). 4. Singed executed. Agreement including of terms of appointment with follow of agreement in hard copy to the company within 30 days. Since the date of execution.
Distributor gets the income as amount of any type of remuneration like commission, bonus, gift, Profits, Incentive etc. Including financial & nonfinancial benefits payable to the subjected to statutory deductions as applicable like TDS, GST, Professional tax, Direct seller & other tax required service as stipulated As per government Rules & Regulations & Law for effecting sale of goods/ products in the contract between the Direct Seller & company on a monthly or periodic or yearly basis or both as the case may be. But amount of remuneration from the recruitment to participate in such direct selling shall not be the part of the sales incentive.
It does not required a participation to pay any entry/ joining/ registration fees or other fees relating to participation & No any Annual charges or renewal charges or cost sales Demonstration equipment & material at the time of joining.
The age criteria for participant/ Entry / Joining / Registration as a direct seller or distributor is 18 Years & above.
It allows or provides for a participant (Distributor) a reasonable cooling off period within30 days since the date of the execution of the agreement through the online process for reject/ cancel the agreement & receive refund of any consideration given to the distributor in the operations by company And shall have right to return any goods purchased during the cooling off period but the purchase good should be in saleable condition i.e. any seal/ protection on the goods is kept unbroken & undamaged with the proof etc.
That the distributor shall have exclusive right to reject/ cancel the above agreement in reasonable cooling off period within 30days since the date of the execution of the agreement through the online process The Refund amount of cost of such returned product is after deducting of packaging, courier & applicable taxes etc. any as per the norms issued by the government. That is such Distributor receives any consideration from the company during this cooling off period then such distributor shall be responsible to pay the amount of such consideration of the company with repudiate letter in the form of cheque/DD/ NEFT/RTGS etc. to the company.
By signing this Application cum Agreement form the distributor acknowledges that he/she/any entity/firm has thoroughly read & complies with the terms & conditions mentioned in this form company website & start up Business Book.
By signing of this form is not make you or Bind you an employee or agent & any types of related relationship with company. This form is appoint you as individual as a self-employed distributor for the sale & promotion of Elevatelife Products (company) While purchasing & selling of Elevatelife products the distributor shall operate as an independent vendor, acting in his/her/their own name, responsibility & Account. Distributor shall act as a free lance body and shall not commit any misfeasance or malfeasance to create any liability, obligations over the company of whatsoever nature that’s all.
Distributor are not allowed or permitted to advertise, promote, market, deal, sale in any manner with any products & services which are not promoted, sale or approved by Elevatelife in its Network & Company.
The distributorship is non – transferable. Husband & Wife have to be sponsored under a single distributorship each other/ either or He/she will be the nominee for each other “or” some other person as his /her nominee. If Husband/ Wife is already a distributor then the other will must join as a part of the same business under him/her sponsored
A distributor hear by authorised to Elevatelife for sending text massage, promotional video, business content, information business update on his/her registered mobile number & mail ID with Elevatelife.
The distributor should attend the event, meeting, seminar, training regards business plan, product information, remuneration system, selling operation, start-up etc. which are arrange, organised by Elevatelife time to time for your betterment & success. The schedule of such (offline/ online) session will be display on company’s website.
The distributor is permitted to sell & promote the products services on e-commerce platform, market place and online portal only if he/she has taken prior written consent from company to do the same.
If the distributor get received any complaints or grievance from customer regarding any product or service which sold by Elevatelife then distributor can refer such complaint to the Grievance Redressal committee of Elevatelife registered website. Which shall address such grievance within 30 (thirty) days. The grievance redressal committee shall take final decision regards such complaints.
All disputes are subject to the jurisdiction of chandrapur, Maharashtra, India.
The distributor must ensure protection & safe all confidential information provided to him/her by customer.
Acceptance of this distributor application is at the sole discretion of Elevatelife Further Elevatelife reserve the right to reject the application/contract/direct selling code for any reason & to terminate or revoke any distributorship for reason not limited to provision of incomplete, inaccurate, fake, false or misleading information And also if in kyc information. Also if in KYC & other document in hard copy found unsatisfactory or mollified fake etc.
The distributor must carry their identity card & not visit the customer premises without prior appointment/Approval.
The distributor should offer a prospective consumer accurate & complete explanation & demonstration of goods & services, prices, credit terms, terms of payment, return policies, terms of guarantee, after sale service, Grievance Redressal Mechanism if or any that present in company & shall be liable to produce/ show/explain the marketing /sales/ trading plan of the company to the customer as it as he is received.
The distributor shall not sell any Elevatelife product for price exceeding the maximum retail price mentioned on the labels of the Elevatelife Products.
If any provision of these Term & Conditions is declared invalid or unenforceable the remaining provisions all remain in full force & effect.
The parties shall endeavour to settle any complaints dispute “or” difference arising out of or in connection with the Distributor contract through mutual discussions within 30 days of such dispute arising. @ By the distributor or not company may conduct an inquiry either suo-moto or on complaint to determine whether any breach in compliance of agreement @ to determine by the distributor or not.
That the distributor would not be allowed to use logo trade mark design & the name of the company in his personal use capacity or personal anywhere without written permission from company. This permission can be withdrawn at any time by the company.
That the company reserve the right to restrict the list of products for a particular distributor.
That all payments & transaction are to be expressed in Indian Rupees. Due to tariff revisions, Government directives, market force etc. may lead to change in the company sales incentive/ commission policy & the company decision in this regards will be final & binding.
That the company reserves its right to withheld/block/suspend the distributor in the event the Distributor fails to provide any details as desired by the company from time to time like PAN & KYC Bank Details etc. That no another distributor code shall be issued in same PAN card.
That all permission from local body authority or concern department expenses arrangements & all that whole responsibility of distributor for meetings & seminars conducted by distributors.
That the company reserves the rights to modify/alter or vary the terms & conditions, product, plan, business & policies with/ without giving prior notice such notice may be published through the official website of the company & any such modification/ amendment shall be applicable & binding on to the distributor from the date of such notice.
The distributor shall not create any cross line in the sales network of the company. And shall not require or encourage distributor recruited by the first mentioned distributor to purchase goods & /or services in unreasonably large amount.
All cheques/demand drafts etc. if any collected by distributor should be drawn in the name of the company only & should be deposited with the company office or other offices as may be specified of the company, within a day otherwise he/she will be liable to pay damages/ compensation. Distributor would not be authorised to issue any receipt/ bill on behalf of the company & he/she is not authorized to receive any cash/money for and on behalf of the company.
That the company Reserver all the rights to suspension revocation or Termination of the operation of this agreement at any time, due to change in it’s own license conditions or upon direction from the competent government authorities. In such a situation company shall not be responsible for any damages or losses caused or arisen out of aforesaid action.
The company may issue the written notice of one month to the distributor residential address for the termination of this agreement for the reason of misleading, deceptive; false and/or unfair trade & recruiting practises, failing to perform any obligations under the agreement. Failing to rectify any defect as may be pointed out by company within the time prescribed, involved in any criminal proceeding/ case, Any Non-performance, breach of any terms & condition of this agreement is declared bankrupt, Not mentally sound to handle the business, Migrate to other country, no sale & purchase for goods for a period of up to two year since the contract was entered into or since the date of last sale/purchase made by the distributor found to have embezzlement of cash/cheque/DD. Which is received by the customer on behalf of the company, if it is found that his/her relatives (Son, daughter, Father, Mother, Spouse) shall engage in any activities of multi-level marketing of any other entity. In such above situation & condition where the distributor does not follow/ agree/adhere/ bind to these rules & regulation/ terms & conditions and doing any anti company activities. Violation, Anti publicity, fraudulent activity. Can be suspended & terminated from the distributorship & this agreement. That all rights reserve to the company. After termination the Distributor shall not represent the company in any of its dealings & can’t do the trade practice of Elevatelife and he/she has to stop using the company name, trademark, logo etc. in any printed, audio or visual form.
That if at any time, during the continuance of this agreement, the performance in whole or in part, by the company of any obligation under this is prevented or delayed, by reason of war, or hostility, acts of the public enemy, civic commotion, sabotage, Act of state or direction from statuary. Authority, explosion, epidemic, quarantine, restriction strikes and lockouts, fire, flood, natural calamities /Disaster or any act of God (here in after referred to as event), neither party shall, by reason of such event be entitled to terminate the agreement nor shall either party have any such claims for damages against the other in respect of such non-performance or delay in performance . Provide service under the agreement shall be resumed as soon as practicable, after such event comes to an end or ceases to exist.
The distributor acknowledges and agrees that he/she shall read & abide by the “Direct Selling Guidelines”, issued by the Department of consumer Affairs, Ministry of consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution, Government of India. Published in 26th October 2016 & as per 9th September 2016 F. No. 21/18/2014-IT (vol-II) and all amendment in laws, rules regulation and direction issue thereof by state & central Government of India.
By signing this application cum agreement form the Distributor/Direct Seller acknowledges that he/she Any Entity /Firm has fully & clearly Understood, confirm & Read all the terms & Condition , Rules, Regulation ,Policies, Procedure mentioned herein Application form at the back this application & In online application in Start-up “Business Book , system Book Company official website, printed material ,brochures, Marketing Method/Plan, the compensation plan its Limitations & Conditions and here by agrees to comply by all the terms laid down and further amendments made from time to time. Therefore here in the Distributor bind/ adhere/ abide with the legal contact with Elevatelife.as per the Indian contact act 1872 and other applicable Laws.
I applicant hereby declare the all (information furnished to the company are true & correct. I have agreed without any pressure to be appointed as Distributor or Direct Seller of Elevatelife in whole India by bound /Adhere & abide with all polices, procedure, rules, regulation ,Term & condition as contained in this Agreement . I am signing this application under my own free will. I have applied to appoint me as a Distributor on my own volition with full enthusiasm
In case of Death on producing of probate/ Succession Certificate by legal heirs, the Distributor code may be transferred to the legal heirs of deceased Distributors But nominate Co-applicant legal heirs should follows/ adhere/abide with all rules & regulation , policies, procedure & terms & condition mentioned in agreement. He/She/it/they also must comply with all terms.
I Accept the all Terms and Conditions